
Daily Rhema is a teaching ministry for Christians, centered on the finished work of Christ. It posts inspiring teachings and testimonies on weekdays. These short and systematic messages are suitable for personal devotion or Bible Study.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

7.18 Testimony - Receiving fresh revelations from the Holy Spirit (Part 3)

A confrontation was imminent between my mother and me. The pressure had been building up for weeks but I did not notice it. Soon, the conflict was reaching a measurement of 9 on the Richter scale, like never before in my family history..

In March 2004, a family conflict arose because I had agreed for my sister-in-law to set off from my home for her wedding ceremony. According to Chinese beliefs, there is a spiritual significance to the arrangement. My mother could see that I had been very blessed in every aspect of my life and she attributed it to luck or feng shui. She feared that the newlyweds would take my luck when they set off from our home. Therefore she objected vehemently. The confrontation had to do with our different faiths and beliefs.

Feng means wind and shui means water in Mandarin. These are the spiritual elements that control the lives of superstitious people; especially the Chinese. When Jesus calmed the storm in Matt 8:27, His disciples marveled saying, “Even the winds and the sea [water] obey Him?” Jesus is Lord over the elements of wind and water. He lives in us and He is the source of all our blessings, not feng shui. We have the privilege to live in faith rather than in fear.

However, those who do not have God are subject to fears and insecurities in this world. They are bound by superstition and believe that their lives are governed by the spiritual forces around them. These spiritual elements are actually the demonic forces of Satan whom the Bible calls “the prince of the power of the air” (Eph 2:2).

My mother was acting as a concerned parent with the best interest for her child. Her thinking then was no different from most people who do not know Jesus.

As the conflict was being blown out of proportion in a potential confrontation, the Lord spoke and said, “This is the time and the opportunity to share the gospel.” I had such peace in my heart and I remembered the verse which says, “All things work together for good to those who love Him.”

Before I could share the wonderful gospel of Christ with my parents, I had to overcome a big mental block. It was extremely difficult for me as the youngest child in the family to share about such things to my parents. After all, there is a Chinese idiom that says they have eaten more salt than I have eaten rice. This was an invisible barrier that had existed since I was a child.

As I drove to my mother’s home in Kuala Lumpur to talk to her, I interceded in the spirit throughout the 5-hour journey. I prayed that God would clear the way before me, to keep everything under control and to prepare my mother’s heart to receive His Word. There was a quiet confidence in my heart because I knew He was in control.

For the first time in my 25 years as a Christian, I garnered enough boldness to share with my mother about God. It was difficult to open my mouth; my voice trembled and I had to do it by faith. I told her that the laws of blessings did not work the way she thought. I was blessed because of Jesus alone. The source of blessings is not external and could not be taken away. The source is God who lives in me. I also told her that there were enough of blessings for everyone because God’s blessings are unlimited. I said that God wanted her to be blessed as well. She needed Jesus, the source of all blessings, to come into her heart.

I also shared my life testimonies with her. Whatever she had previously attributed to luck were in fact blessings from God. The testimonies were a powerful witness for Him. After I shared, I felt like I had conquered Mount Everest. That started the process and within less than two years, my parents received the Lord.