
Daily Rhema is a teaching ministry for Christians, centered on the finished work of Christ. It posts inspiring teachings and testimonies on weekdays. These short and systematic messages are suitable for personal devotion or Bible Study.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

7.13 More testimonies of the leading of the Holy Spirit

God is good and God is real. Let us pause on the teaching and continue by sharing some fresh testimonies on the leading of Holy Spirit. We enjoy sharing and demonstrating the reality of God’s Word.

Last Friday evening, I had a wonderful time of prayer with my friends Pastor Paul, Edwin and Janice. We immersed ourselves in the presence of God through praying in the spirit. As we prayed, the Lord spoke to us individually. The Lord also gave Edwin a word for Pastor Paul. This was in the book of Isaiah.

Edwin wanted to give the word to Pastor Paul but did not want to interrupt everyone else who was in prayer. Edwin decided to pull Pastor Paul’s Bible over, turn it to that verse and point it to him. Now Pastor Paul’s Bible was already opened as the Lord had pointed him to a passage and he was receiving encouragement through the passage about God’s promises in his life.

As Edwin pulled the opened Bible over he had a shock. That verse was already on the opened page. He did not even have to flip the Bible. As he told Pastor Paul the verse, he found out that the Holy Spirit had already drawn Pastor Paul to the passage and the same verse. They were both encouraged by the Holy Spirit.

Was it coincidence? There are thousands of verses in the Bible. If you take the Holy Spirit out of this, what is the probability of two people coming upon the same verse? We know beyond doubt that it is the Holy Spirit. God had spoken to Pastor Paul and used Edwin to confirm the message, and they were both greatly edified.

To those who do not believe in the leading of the Holy Spirit, they are missing out on such a wonderful experience. Today, for us who are led by the Spirit, Christianity becomes a living relationship. God is able to accomplish His purposes for our lives.