7.48 Christianity is about Christ living in us and working through us
Let us recap on this important truth. Christianity is about us abiding in Christ, and Christ living in us. If all we know is this truth and nothing else, we would have known enough to enjoy an exciting relationship with Jesus.
I have seen so many Christians trying to live the Christian life on their own strength only to experience spiritual dryness and fatigue. They try to serve God through self-ability. I had been through that journey. Only when we come to the end of self-ability that we realize we need to be empowered by His ability. That marks the beginning of a new and exciting journey.
We have shared about the presence and the ministry of the Holy Spirit in us. As New Covenant believers, we get to experience being led by the Spirit from within. We get to experience the love of God in us through the Holy Spirit. We experience wisdom from Him, and we receive new desires. We receive fresh revelations and we enjoy the communion of the Holy Spirit.
We talked about the exciting experience of baptism in the Spirit. We have also shared about the many benefits of praying in tongues from the Bible. Isn’t it so exciting? We begin to understand why Paul said, “It is no longer I who lives, but Christ lives in me.” We begin to understand why Paul calls it a mystery – the truth of “Christ in us”.
In the Tabernacle of Moses, one of the furniture is the Golden Candlestand. The priest must pour the oil in so that the fire of the candlestand burns perpetually. The oil represents the Holy Spirit. Jesus supplies His Spirit so that we can continue burning and shining for Him. Without the oil, the fire goes off. Likewise today, without the Holy Spirit, Christianity wouldn’t be real and alive. It would just be another religion powered by self-effort.
Today, as Christians, God wants us to enjoy our relationship with Him through His Holy Spirit. He wants us to be empowered by His Spirit. As you receive a deeper revelation, do not say that this is for someone else. Jesus came to this earth to die for you so that He can supply you with His Spirit. If you have lived your Christian life depending on your own strength and ability – then today could mark a new beginning for you.
It is a conscious decision for us to yield to Him and to depend on Him. When we do so, we will start to experience all that the early disciples did in the book of Acts. So we shall continue on our journey. There is so much more that we can share about the work of the Holy Spirit in us. We will continue this series by talking about the fruit of the Holy Spirit.
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