
Daily Rhema is a teaching ministry for Christians, centered on the finished work of Christ. It posts inspiring teachings and testimonies on weekdays. These short and systematic messages are suitable for personal devotion or Bible Study.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

7.44 Testimony: Kathryn Kuhlman – the most beautiful song

The following testimony was shared by Kathryn Kuhlman in a message:

One night I had given an altar call. There were those who came forward to be born again, but one lady, Isabel Drake, I’ll never forget. She was a young lady, a teacher commuting from Joliet to Chicago. Everyone else had gone. We turned out all the lights to save electricity. Just two were burning. Isabel remained at the altar praying.

I took my place by the side of her mother. There were not more than 3 or 4 of us there. Suddenly…in that moment, that one who knew absolutely nothing about the Holy Spirit, that one who knew absolutely nothing about the baptism in the Holy Spirit, that one who had never heard anyone speak in an unknown tongue raised both hands and began to sing the most beautiful thing I ever heard.

Her voice was as clear as a bell. She sang in a language that was so beautiful – wonderful! She reached high C. It was absolute perfection. Before God, I’ve never heard such singing. And her mother, sitting there in semi-darkness, clasped my hand and said, “Kathryn, that’s not my daughter. My daughter can’t even carry a tune.”

The perfection of that voice and the perfection of the sound of that music! I was learning. I was seeing the Holy Spirit. I was witnessing something I had never known before.

Then after 15 minutes or more – I cannot tell you how long – she bowed her head. I had seen one receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit.

(Reference: Kathryn Kuhlman- A Spiritual Biography of God’s Miracle Working Power by Roberts Liardon, Harrison House)