7.37 The benefits of praying in the Spirit – for spiritual edification
The Bible also says that the word of God is life (John 6:63; John 1:1-4). The Holy Spirit supplies the words when we pray in the spirit. His words are words of life. When we pray, words of life flow through our tongue.
As the source of life, the Holy Spirit edifies our spirits and we are like a dynamo being charged up. All of us need much edification from the Holy Spirit and we have a simple way to receive it – through praying in tongues.
(1 Cor 14:4)
He who speaks in a TONGUE EDIFIES HIMSELF…
While the 9 spiritual gifts are for the edification of the body of Christ (1 Cor 12:7), the private language of tongues is for personal edification. A person who first receives personal edification from God is able to operate the gifts of the Spirit effectively to edify others. Matthew 10:8 says, “Freely you have received, freely give.”
Praying in private tongues is therefore a powerful key to fan aflame or stir up the gifts of the Spirit (2 Tim 1:6-7). Many anointed ministers who flow powerfully in the gifts of the Spirit attribute the humble prayer language of tongues as the key. This explains why Paul was able to minister with such great power whenever he preached. Behind the scenes, he prayed in the spirit more than all the Corinthians put together (1 Cor 14:18). We can imagine how charged up he was!
When Florence received the baptism in the Spirit, she felt a desire to spend time in God’s presence through praying in tongues. It was like a river flowing out from her. She did not have a prayer list for prayer needs; it was just to spend time in His presence. Most people think of praying when they have needs, but praying in the spirit enables you to simply spend time in communion with God.
Without realizing it, she was being edified spiritually as she prayed in the spirit each day. Soon, she found herself growing spiritually. She was more sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit. She began to receive help from the Holy Spirit in her daily life. It transformed her spiritual walk.
This reminds me of the Azusa Street revival (Pentecostal revival) in 1906. People from all over the world came to Azusa Street and were so charged up by the Spirit that they brought the fire of revival to the corners of the earth. Today, you too can be charged up and be spiritually edified through praying in tongues.
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