7.32 Understanding the difference between devotional tongues vs. the gift of public tongues
There is a problem misconception that hinders people from entering this wonderful experience. Some have the idea that the prayer language of tongues is not for everyone. They say, "As one of the 9 gifts of the Spirit, not everyone will have it". There is confusion from the passage in 1 Cor 12:30 where Paul asked, “Do all speak with tongues?” Some have tripped over this passage and stopped short of receiving this new prayer language.
(1 Cor 12:28-30)
And God has appointed these in the church: first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, administrations, varieties of tongues. Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Are all workers of miracles? Do all have gifts of healings? Do all speak with tongues? Do all interpret?
We must know that there is a difference between the GIFT OF TONGUES vs DEVOTIONAL TONGUES. This passage was written in the context of spiritual gifts for ministry. These are public gifts given to individuals for the edification of the body (1 Cor 12:7; Eph 4:16). Not everyone has the gift of “public tongues”, which is used to convey a message from God to the believers, just as not all are apostles, prophets and teachers, etc. This message has to be interpreted by the gift of interpretation in order to be useful (1 Cor 14:5). The question “do all interpret?” comes immediately after “do all speak with tongues?” confirming that Paul was referring to the gift of “public tongues”.
In contrast, the new prayer language of “devotional tongues” received during baptism in the Spirit is for our personal use and everyone can have it. It is a private prayer language for self-edification (1 Cor 14:4) and for you to communicate with God.
(1 Cor 14:2, 4)
For he who speaks in a tongue does not SPEAK to men but to GOD, for no one understands him; however, in the spirit he speaks mysteries.
He who speaks in a tongue EDIFIES HIMSELF…
In all the instances when they received tongues in the book of Acts, it was said that they spoke with tongues. The Bible never called it the gift of tongues (one of the 9 gifts of the Holy Spirit).
It is beneficial to receive this prayer language of devotional tongues because everyone needs personal edification. Mark 16:17 says, “And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name... they will speak with new tongues…” This is a promise to everyone who believes. This understanding will be important for some who have not had the breakthrough and thinks they are excluded. The promise of Mark 16:17 is for you as a believer.
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