7.38 The benefits of praying in the Spirit – greater sensitivity to being led by the Holy Spirit
(1 Cor 14:14)
For if I pray in a TONGUE, my SPIRIT PRAYS…
Praying in tongues also trains us to put let the Spirit take the lead instead of our mind. Sometimes, the leading of the Spirit seems opposed to the natural mind. It does not seem logical. That is why it takes faith to follow the leading. After we had taken the step of faith, then our mind begins to understand the plan of God.
It is the same with praying in tongues. It seems opposed to the natural mind to be saying something you don’t understand. It does not seem logical. It takes faith to say it. When we take that step of faith, we begin to experience the Holy Spirit. It is the training that helps us to be more sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit.
Let us consider how believers walked in the realm of faith that seemed to defy logic throughout the Bible. Peter walked on water and defied all logic…until his mind started doubting. Jesus defied logic by multiplying bread for the thousands when His disciples were concerned over their lack of money. Jesus raised the dead and healed multitudes until the people at his hometown started reasoning that he was just a carpenter.
Today, a lot of people are still engaged very much in the realm of the intellect. Just as in the Bible, it is hard to experience the reality of God in that realm. But when we pray in tongues, it brings us to a higher realm – beyond the mind – a realm where we experience God in a very real way through faith.
In addition to being sensitive to God’s voice, praying in tongues also magnifies our discernment in the spiritual realm. John G. Lake said that praying in tongues gave him a new comprehension of God’s will, new discernment of the spirit and new revelation of God. He said:
“My nature became so sensitized that I could lay my hands on any man or woman and tell what organ was diseased, and to what extent, and all about it. I went to the hospitals where physicians could not diagnose a case, touched a patient and instantly knew the organ that was diseased, its extent and condition and location.”
These are testimonies of people who had gone ahead of us to encourage us. Almost every believer whom I have met would like to be more sensitive to the leading of the Spirit. God has made it so easy for us through the prayer language of tongues.
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