9.38 Experiencing the true substance of Christ – the Altar of Incense
Incense speaks of prayer and worship.
(Rev 5:8)
Now when He had taken the scroll, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb, each having a harp, and golden bowls full of incense, which are the PRAYERS of the saints.
The coals from the Brazen Altar speak of the finished work of the cross. Any other source of fire is not accepted before God. This tells us that the only worship and prayer that is acceptable before God is on the basis of what Christ has done.
If we worship base on self-effort, self-sacrifice, or self-righteousness, it will be rejected. Worship has to do with Jesus’ work, Jesus’ sacrifice and the righteousness of Christ that qualified us. Therefore, when we worship, we lift up Jesus; we remind God the Father about the perfection of Jesus’ work.
In fact the aroma of incense also points to Jesus. Jesus is like the fine incense that was pounded and broken on the cross. He is also the sweet-smelling aroma of the incense unto God the Father. God is pleased when He smells the fragrance of Jesus. So worship is truly about Jesus; not about us.
(Ephesians 5:2)
And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a SWEET-SMELLING AROMA.
Likewise, prayer is also about Jesus – His ministry as our High priest. The only reason why our prayer is accepted by God is because we have Jesus as our High-Priest. It is not because of how well we pray, or how good our prayers are. It is because we put our trust in Jesus who interceded on our behalf. Jesus brings us into relationship with Father God.
This is why we pray in the name of Jesus. It represents the fact that our prayers are made on the basis of Jesus who is our High Priest before the Father. Because God the Father listens to Jesus, likewise He will listen when our prayers flow through Jesus. Therefore, the Altar of incense speaks of Jesus our High Priest.
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