
Daily Rhema is a teaching ministry for Christians, centered on the finished work of Christ. It posts inspiring teachings and testimonies on weekdays. These short and systematic messages are suitable for personal devotion or Bible Study.

Monday, January 28, 2008

8.108 My spiritual journey of discovering God’s grace (Pt 2)

At the age of 12, I received a scholarship from the Singapore Government to study in Singapore. I stayed in a hostel and quickly found new Christian friends. I became active in the Christian Fellowship at my hostel.

I was not established in my faith and did not know how to grow in my relationship with God. Receiving Jesus at the age of 9 was a wonderful experience of His grace. I was moved by the love and grace of Jesus as a young child. I loved to sing songs like “Amazing Grace”, “Jesus Loves Me” and “The Old Rugged Cross”. It was so satisfying.

As a child, I depended on adults for support and encouragement; but as a teenager, I had to know God personally. I had to stand on my own feet. I was told that my standing with God depended on my own performance. I was told that I would be blessed if I was faithful to Him, and I would be punished if I failed to please Him. I was told that my spiritual well-being depended on my own performance in personal devotion, church attendance, evangelism and service to God. If I missed church, He would not bless my studies! That worried me a lot as a student.

I was a sincere Christian who tried hard to grow spiritually and to be a good Christian, but it was a struggle up a slippery rope. I kept my devotion everyday, even if I did not understand most of what I was reading. I went to church faithfully though my seniors often had to drag me out of slumber land. I served in church as an usher to please God.

As the CF committee member in charge of evangelism, I had to set an example. So I went street witnessing – though I was feeling far from God all the while. Often, I felt like a hypocrite sharing about this God whom I hardly knew.

I tried to be a good Christian but I was spiritually dry in spite of all I did. Finally, I got burnt out and became backslidden. God became less real and less relevant to me as time progressed. Christianity was an empty religion of Christian activities. I was busy pleasing God, but He seemed so far away. I didn’t really know Him at all.

So I began to rebel against this God (if He was indeed real) – who burdened me with rules I could not fulfill, and seemed so far away. Deed within, I cried, “Where was the loving God I once knew as a child?” The God of my teenage years seemed so different.

So I became occupied with my studies and was consumed with passion for competitive hockey, as I represented the Singapore Combined Schools team. Soon I started skipping church to study on Sundays. Finally, I stopped attending church altogether as I prepared for my Cambridge Ordinary Level examinations. Like many Christians, I had backslidden from my faith. Beloved, can you identify with my experience in any way?