
Daily Rhema is a teaching ministry for Christians, centered on the finished work of Christ. It posts inspiring teachings and testimonies on weekdays. These short and systematic messages are suitable for personal devotion or Bible Study.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

8.102 Enjoying a marriage on the basis of love instead of laws

Our relationship with God is a covenant relationship, just like our marriage relationship. Relationship with God can either be on the basis of grace and love, or on the basis of laws. Likewise, a marriage can also be built on the basis of love, or on the basis of laws.

Ladies, how many of you would like your husband to kiss you in the morning and before you sleep? How would you like him to send you flowers on your anniversary, etc? All these things are good. You want to have them in your marriage.

Imagine that you list these conditions to your potential suitor. He has to sign an agreement - “TEN COMMANDMENTS OF MARRIAGE” that he must fulfill religiously. Thou shall kiss me in the morning and evening. Thou shall send flowers for our anniversary. Thou shall provide a monthly allowance, etc.

And just like the Ten Commandments in the Bible, there are serious consequences for failure to keep it 100%. In this case, you would give him the cold shoulder; you will stop providing dinner on the table, etc. He is inflicted him with guilt and condemnation.

Out of fear, your husband can try to do all those things outwardly without love. He could kiss you out of obligation. He can instruct his secretary to send you roses every anniversary. But his heart may not be with you. He may be just fulfilling his “duty”.

And maybe one evening, he forgets to kiss you because he is busy watching TV. He gets into hot-soup, afflicted with the consequences of failure. He knows better know not to repeat that mistake. He lives in fear of judgment.

Would that be a great marriage? Would you like that kind of marriage? You would probably think its crazy!! But ironically, most people are relating to God in that manner. As Christians, you are told to keep the Ten Commandments. In addition, there are also other obligations on church attendance, cell-group performance, evangelism, and other explicit commitments. If you fail, God will not be pleased and you will not be blessed. The law delivers curses and death to you. So many Christians try to keep the law outwardly though their hearts may be dry and backslidden.

Or ladies, would you want to marry the man who loves you passionately. He kisses you because he loves you, not because he is obligated to. During your anniversary, he brings you out for a romantic dinner in addition to flowers. Driven by passionate love, he exceeds all your expectations (the Ten Commandments of that marriage). Even if he fails occasionally, true grace and love will restore, and improve the marriage.

Now that is the kind of relationship God wants with you. Jesus came to establish the New Covenant on the basis of grace and love alone. When we are overwhelmed by His love, it lights up the passion in our heart. It transforms our relationship. We experience inward change and our Christianity is strong and fulfilling. We live in the higher realm of grace.