8.101 Living in the higher realm of God’s grace
This is because for the majority of us, our families are built on the foundation of love. We love our children. So we give them tender loving care. We feed them, send them to school and give them the best we can. We live in a realm that is above those laws. Because of love, we will never break those laws. So we can be oblivious of them. We can continue living the higher life.
This is the same with the saints in Christ. They are a new creation. They are in Christ and Christ lives in them. The Holy Spirit causes them to bear fruit of the Spirit – love, joy, peace, etc. They can live in the higher realm of Gods grace and be oblivious of the Ten Commandments. With love, they will have no desire to murder or steal from others. Gal 5:22 says that against the fruit of the Spirit, there is no law. The fruit is above the law. Love is the fulfillment of the law.
So what is the problem in the church today? The majority of Christians lack the revelation of who they are in Christ. As such they do not walk according to their new identity. Many do not walk in the consciousness of Christ in them. As such, they do not experience the transforming power of the Spirit. If we do not know what God’s grace has done in us, we will naturally revert to depending on the law. We will not be able to enjoy the higher realm of God’s grace.
When leaders use the law, they actually see their people in their old identity. Some churches officially address their members as poor sinners. They reinforce the old identity. When people see themselves as sinners, they start to behave as sinners. An eagle who believes he is a chicken will behave as a chicken. Then the same leaders who somehow “created” that problem in the first place try to fix it by using the Ten Commandments. Then they become so dependant on using the law that they gradually stop depending on Jesus.
The law may modify behavior externally, but it can never transform from within. What is the real solution? We should believe that Christ has made us righteous. As leaders, we teach people about their new identity in Christ. We help people experience the reality of Christ in them – by the power of the Spirit. We are ministers of the New Covenant.
When they start walking by faith in Jesus, they bear fruit of the Spirit. They start living in the higher realm of God’s grace oblivious of the Ten Commandments. They live in the realm above the law. This is true holiness from within by depending on Jesus.
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