8.106 Reigning in life through the abundance of grace
Our Father God’s desire is for His children to reign in life through Christ. Abba Father does not want to see His Church under the yoke of law; powerless against the dominion of sin, bound by condemnation and sin-consciousness. He doesn’t want His Church to be defeated by lack, sickness and death. Not when Jesus has already purchased your victory with His blood.
So what is the secret to reigning in life? What is the secret to victorious Christian living? What is the secret to growing in relationship with Father God? This is the secret. Romans 5:17 says that the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness will help us reign in life! This is a powerful verse to memorize and meditate upon.
(Rom 5:17)
For if by the one man’s offense death reigned through the one, much more those who receive ABUNDANCE OF GRACE and of the GIFT OF RIGHTEOUSNESS will REIGN IN LIFE through the One, Jesus Christ.
How much grace do we need? An abundance of it! Grace is Jesus. We can do with more and more of Him, without limit. And we also need the gift of righteousness that comes through Christ. We can do away with our self-righteousness that comes through the law. It is His gift of righteousness that puts us in right standing with Father God.
Grace will change our identity. Grace will tell us who we are in Christ. It will help us to be conscious of Christ is us. It will tell us that we are righteous through the blood of Jesus. That revelation of righteousness will make us bold to approach God and to walk closely with Him. When we walk with Father God in relationship, He will experience His love, provision and power.
When we have the revelation of His love, we will start to walk in love. When we experience His provisions, we will be a blessing to others. When we experience His power, we will accomplish His purposes and calling.
Grace will cause us to reign over sin, Satan and the circumstances in life. Therefore, we need to experience more of His grace in our lives. We need to let go of the tutor’s hand and let Jesus hold our hand.
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