
Daily Rhema is a teaching ministry for Christians, centered on the finished work of Christ. It posts inspiring teachings and testimonies on weekdays. These short and systematic messages are suitable for personal devotion or Bible Study.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

8.47 Works of the law brings people under the curses of the law

There is a story in the Bible that shows the truth of how works of the law resulted in failure. This is the story of Cain and Abel. Cain offered the fruit of the ground, through toil and sweat, which represents his best human efforts – to attain God’s approval. However, the ground had been cursed because of sin (Gen 3:17-19).

Therefore, his offering represents the works of the law by the sinner. God rejected Cain’s best efforts and he got angry (Gen 4:3-5). He expected God to accept it because he had toiled and labored from the ground. He represents the person who approaches God on the basis of self-performance under works of the law.

However Abel’s offering was accepted because he put his faith in the blood sacrifice instead of his works. The animal sacrifice points to Jesus. Heb 11:4 tells of Abel attaining to righteousness through the blood sacrifice. Abel represents the person who depends on grace - Jesus.

It is quite common for people to approach God on the basis of what they have done. If they have done a lot for God, they feel confident to come before God. For someone who has failed to perform, they always think that God will reject them.

I recalled how as a student, I was told that if I didn’t go to church on Sunday, God would not bless me during the examinations. I thought I had to earn God’s blessings. But today, I realize that all His blessings are given because of Jesus. I simply depend on Him. And the reason I go to church is to learn more about what Christ has done for me. Going to church is no longer a “work of the law” to me. It is an act of faith.

God doesn’t want us to approach him via works of the law (Romans 3:20, 21 & 28). Approaching God by the works of the law attracts the curse. The law shows our failure to keep it perfectly, and sin attracts curses under the law. It presumes that no one will succeed.

(Gal 3:10)
For as many as are of the WORKS OF THE LAW are under the CURSE; for it is written, “Cursed is everyone who does not continue in all things which are written in the book of the law, to do them.”

In contrast, our New Covenant starts at the cross where Jesus fulfilled the works of the law. When He cried, “It is finished,” our debts were fully paid and the requirements of the law were fulfilled. Then He gave us His gift of righteousness. All God’s conditional blessings were made a reality to those who believe (have faith) in Christ.

Their finishing line is our starting line. They dreamt of righteousness but we have attained it by faith. They pursued the blessings of the law, but all our promises in Christ are “Yes” and “Amen”. We live on the basis of faith in Christ. Paul says, “I live BY FAITH in the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me.”