8.42 The New Covenant is about walking in His love
So why is it that the fallen man could not keep the law to love God and to love their neighbor? This is because fallen man is a spiritual bankrupt that has no true capacity to love. Human love tends to be conditional and limited.
So what is the solution? Most people think that it is trying harder to love. Think about it. How can a bankrupt try harder to produce what he does not have? So this is the reason why Jesus came to this world.
First, Jesus demonstrated His love towards us. We received and experienced unconditional love that knows no boundaries. Then, not only did we receive love – Love came to live inside of us. Jesus came to live in us through His Holy Spirit.
Because Jesus lives in us, and the more we yield to Jesus in our lives, we will begin to bear fruit of the Spirit. One of the fruit is love. We will start to walk more and more in the nature and character of God – in righteousness and holiness. As we walk in His love, the law will be naturally fulfilled in us.
Christianity is not laboring in self-effort to keep the law. It is not about trying so hard to love, only to find no love in ourselves. Too many people get stressed out over trying to be a Christian. I know of many people who gave up trying, when all the while, God desired for them to understand the revelation of His love for them.
Christianity is resting in Jesus. We rest in His love and we grow in His love. We are established in His love and we walk in His love. Loving God and loving others comes naturally.
(Eph 5:2)
And WALK in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us…
This is the key and the secret – not that we loved Him, but He loved us. And today, we love because He first loves us. If our relationship with God is dependant on our love for Him, we are on shaky ground. One day up, one day down. But if our relationship with God is established on His love for us, we will be unshakable.
Before Jesus went through the temptation, He heard the Father say, “This is my Beloved Son.” Jesus was secure in the Father’s love. When Satan tempted Him, Jesus wasn’t moved. His security in the Father’s love made Him a champion. And just as children who grow up secure in love tend to reign in life, we will also rise to our potential when we are anchored on His love.
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