8.79 Performance of the flesh results in failure
The irony of this story is that the man who was seeking for eternal life was actually standing before the Source of eternal life. But because his eyes were on his self-performance, he missed out on Jesus and eternal life. He went away unjustified.
Likewise today, if we focus on self-performance, we will miss out on Jesus and what He has for us.
If we depend on performance by the flesh, it will result in failure. Let me give you two examples. The first is the story of Abraham. God gave him the promise of descendants. Instead of depending on God to fulfill, he produced Ishmael by the flesh, and created a problem for Israel that persists till today. However, through God’s ability, Isaac was later conceived.
The second example is Moses. God called him to be the deliverer of Israel. He acted in the flesh by killing an Egyptian and had to escape to the wilderness, where he became a broken man. Subsequently through God’ power, he delivered the nation of Israel.
When we work through self-performance, God does not work. The time that God can work is when we no longer have confidence in our flesh; when we are the end of self. Psalm 127:1 says, “Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it…”
The Bible says that Israel kept the law with great zeal. There is great motivation to be zealous in striving to perform in the flesh. This is because under law, the consequence of blessings and curses are dependent on their performance.
The reason they failed is not because they didn’t try hard enough. The reason for failure is because sinful man is a bankrupt who cannot fulfill the righteous demands of God. The law was a diagnostic test to reveal the sinful condition of man. The problem already existed; the law did not create the problem but simply revealed it. It was not the solution for the law could not transform us into a new creation.
When we failed, Jesus came and fulfilled the demands of the law on our behalf. He made us into a new creation. Today, we also have Him living in us. He is able and He also wants to demonstrate His ability in us and through us.
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