
Daily Rhema is a teaching ministry for Christians, centered on the finished work of Christ. It posts inspiring teachings and testimonies on weekdays. These short and systematic messages are suitable for personal devotion or Bible Study.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

15.10 SIT – Resting in the full potential of the seed of Christ

We understand to sit is about our position in Christ. But some people connect better with the analogy of a seed because “our position in Christ” sounds like something legal on paper. Maybe a lawyer or businessman can relate well to “our position in Christ” but a farmer or those who do gardening can relate better to the concept of the “seed of Christ”.

Peter said that we were born again of the incorruptible seed of Christ. When we received Jesus, He came to live in our hearts.

(1 Peter 1:24)
23 having been born again, not of corruptible seed but incorruptible, through the word of God which lives and abides forever…

To sit is to rest in the full potential of the seed of Christ in us. In Singapore, we like to eat durians, also known as the king of fruits. A durian seed, even though it is just a tiny seed, contains the full life of a fruit-producing durian tree. There is nothing that we can do to manufacture durians in a factory – through our effort and intelligence. But a little durian seed contains the full life and potential of a durian tree.

Likewise, there is nothing a person can do in his self-effort to be like Christ. He can try to keep all the works of the law but he will not come close to being like Christ. He can try to walk the Christian walk with all his heart, soul, mind and strength, but he will not succeed. It is pointless to talk about the Christian walk if we do not first talk about sitting in Christ.

Likewise, it is pointless to try to manufacture a durian tree or fruit. You can try it with all your heart, soul, mind and strength, but you will not succeed. To have a durian tree, you will need a durian fruit.

So Christianity not about our effort to be moral or good – it is about the seed of Christ that is in us the moment we received Him into our heart and believed the gospel of His grace. The more we recognize, nurture and depend on the life of the seed (ie. to sit) we will be able to grow up in Christ and to bear fruit (ie. to walk in Christ).

Christianity is about the life of Christ – the zoe life. Jesus said that he came to give us life abundantly. He is the light of the world and the life of man. We are to abide in Christ (see our identity in Him) and allow His life to grow and manifest in us. To sit is truly to depend on the full potential of the seed of Christ in us.

You are the sons of God, in the imago of your Father. Do not try to walk right to be like your Father. Instead, recognize you are already in His image, and walk by faith in that reality.