
Daily Rhema is a teaching ministry for Christians, centered on the finished work of Christ. It posts inspiring teachings and testimonies on weekdays. These short and systematic messages are suitable for personal devotion or Bible Study.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

15.6 SIT – Christianity is BEING rather than DOING

Today, we will explore the concept of BEING vs. DOING. Christianity is about BEING – not DOING. A lot of people do things in order to be something – Christians keep the law to attain to righteousness. Or Christians try to act holy so that they can be holy. Or they can engage in a lot of Christian activities to be a good Christian. Can you see that all these things are usually behavior modification rather than inward transformation?

That kind of Christianity focuses on doing rather than being. In fact, I often hear pastors call their flock “poor old sinners” so that they work harder to be good enough Christians. That is the motivation under the Old Covenant of law.

But Christianity in the New Covenant is about BEING. It focuses on who you are in Christ. For example, when a believer understands that on the cross, he received the gift of righteousness from Jesus, he would start to walk righteously. Or when he believes that Christ lives in Him and he is a new creation in Christ, he would naturally manifest Christ through his actions and behavior. He does not need to be taught how to behave (as the law does). He starts to bear fruit of the Spirit from within. This is inward transformation. This is Christianity. You become pre-occupied with the person on Jesus rather than behavior modification.

When I was growing up, I was told that as a Christian, we have to try to walk in the footsteps of Jesus. We had to imitate Him – to do what he did. Whatever situation I was in, I had to ask myself, “What would Jesus have done in that situation?” and I had to do the same. I am certain that many of us probably live by that. Naturally I failed. I couldn’t live up to Jesus’ high standards.

Later, I realized that while the teaching sounded spiritual, it wasn’t New Covenant. How could anyone try to be like Jesus in his actions? How could anyone succeed? How could anyone turn water into wine? Or multiply bread for the thousands, or walk on water, or calm the storm? It would be a futile attempt for anyone to try to act like the Son of Jesus. If we could, then why would we need a Savior? That kind of approach focuses on our self-performance to be like Christ. It focuses on our DOING.

So what is New Covenant? None of us could reach the standards God required. So God sent Jesus to do what we failed to do – to fulfill the law perfectly. And after Jesus was seated at the right hand of the Father, He poured out His Spirit to live in us. So today, Jesus lives in us through His Spirit. We are a new creation in Christ. It is not about our DOING – it is about BEING a new creation in Christ.

When we sit in the reality of our new BEING in Christ, Jesus can live in us and through us. We don’t have to stress ourselves to be like Jesus – we just need to rest in Him and let Him live through us. This is true Christianity.

Note: Next Grace Fellowship is on Thursday 29th Jan 09, 7.45pm Singapore. Please contact Jeffrey Teo at 81119307 if you would like to join us for a wonderful time in fellowship in the Word and Spirit.