
Daily Rhema is a teaching ministry for Christians, centered on the finished work of Christ. It posts inspiring teachings and testimonies on weekdays. These short and systematic messages are suitable for personal devotion or Bible Study.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


In the last series, we showed that the quest of the believer is to know the finished work of Christ, instead of striving to get what Jesus has achieved. Every world revival started with a fresh revelation of Jesus from the Word.

Today we start on a new series, but will reinforce the above message. This series is entitled “SIT, WALK & STAND”. This is the theme of the Book of Ephesians – one of the most powerful books in the Bible that declares the reality of New Covenant living.

This is the book where the term “In Christ” appears more than any other book. It tells us who we are in Christ, what we have in Christ, and what we can achieve in Christ. It is a book that shares revelations so powerful that the Old Covenant believer may consider blasphemous. For example, it Paul says that we are seated in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus. Who would even dare to think of such a truth in the Old Covenant when they were trembling at the foot of Mt Sinai, trying to keep a distance from God?

The themes SIT, WALK & STAND are a progression of the Christian relationship. It has to be in that order. We will examine each of these three words in greater detail over the next few weeks. To SIT means to rest in the finished work of Jesus. To WALK means to live by faith in the reality of Jesus. It means to allow Jesus to live through you. To STAND is to stand by faith when the devil comes against us with doubts and fear. It is to remain unmoved in the victory of Jesus.

Isn’t this consistent with our last series? We can only SIT when we have the revelation of the finished work of Christ. Christianity starts from the cross.

Let us be honest. The majority of Christians live in a different order. They try to WALK first before they learn how to SIT. Under the law, people try hard to keep the law. They have no rest or peace until they do so, but they are always stressed with no rest. Whatever they do never seems to be enough. That’s the Old Covenant approach. But we live in the New Covenant. We start with sitting.

Let us share some practical examples. A person who needs healing may be trying very hard to do all the right things so that God is pleased, and he could be healed. Or a believer may be trying hard to serve God and to be obedient in works in order to get God’s blessings. That is trying to WALK before he learns how to SIT.

In the New Covenant, the believer sees the finished work of the cross. He declares – “By the stripes of Jesus, I was healed.” He rests in the finished work. Soon, he starts to walk by faith, and the healing manifests. Or the believer rests in the fact that he has been blessed with every spiritual blessing in Christ. As he rests on the promise, he starts to walk in those blessings.