
Daily Rhema is a teaching ministry for Christians, centered on the finished work of Christ. It posts inspiring teachings and testimonies on weekdays. These short and systematic messages are suitable for personal devotion or Bible Study.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

14.16 Revivals in the New Covenant dispensation of grace

We have demonstrated that the quest of the New Covenant believer is TO KNOW CHRIST and HIS FINISHED WORK. Today, I would like to walk you down the major revivals modern day Church history to demonstrate this truth.

What is a revival? As a Christian, I grew up chasing after revivals. I thought if I fasted and prayed long enough, God would send revival down from heaven. Or if I loved Him enough, He would appear in my room as a bright light, or in person. Christians look for some outward phenomena – like seeing gold dust, having gold tooth, etc.

First of all, revival does not come through us doing enough to move God’s hand. Secondly, revival is not about looking for an outward phenomenon, to confirm God’s visitation.

Firstly, Jesus has finished the work on the cross – which enables every believer to walk in the fullness of Christ (revival). There is nothing that we can add to His work or revival through our effort. When Jesus went to heaven, He poured down the fullness of the Holy Spirit to indwell the Church. There is no amount of prayer or fasting that will move God to pour out any more of His Spirit.

Secondly, revival is not about outward phenomenon as we know it. When we chase after signs and wonders, we will be disappointed. The hope of glory in the New Covenant is Christ dwelling in us. He is the fullness of everything.

True revival is about RECEIVING A NEW REVELATION ABOUT CHRIST that leads to a new experience of CHRITST WITHIN US. Remember that Paul prayed THAT WE MAY KNOW. When we know a new revelation of Christ, we start to experience revival.

After praying overnight for Jesus to appear in my room, I was disappointed that God did not visit me. I tried hard and I was looking for a sign.

As I grew mature in the Lord, I came TO KNOW that Jesus lived in me. He was in my room all along because He was in me. I learnt to live by faith in His Word and not by sight in outward phenomenon. As I came TO KNOW more about Jesus through His Word, I began to experience more of Him. When I was enraptured in the revelation of Christ, I found that signs and wonders followed me. When I was conscious of His indwelling presence, I experience His tangible love and power.

I used to pursue revival which was hard to come by. But through the knowledge of Christ, I have been living in a constant revival for many years now, and I also have the privilege of bringing revival to others simply by sharing the knowledge of Christ.