14.7 How did mankind fall in the Garden of Eden?
Join me as we go back in time to the Garden of Eden. God made Adam and Eve in His image. They were made like God – in the image of God. In the Garden was the tree of life (which represents Jesus the bread of life). There was also another tree – the tree of knowledge of good and evil (which represents the law which tells between good and evil). They were to eat of the tree of life (Jesus) but not from the tree of knowledge of good and evil (the law).
This is a picture of how God wants us to live on the basis of His work and His providence. It was not God’s will for man to live on the basis of the law because man is estranged from God when they live on the basis of right and wrong. Man can live independently from God under religion. God wants us to have relationship and communion with Him.
The devil came to Eve in the form of the serpent to make her eat from the tree that represents the law. How did he do it? He tells us that if she would eat of the forbidden fruit, she could be wise like God.
But the reality is that God has already made her like God – in the image of God. If she KNEW the reality, she would have ignored the devil. She would have said, “I don’t need to do that because I am already made in God’s image!” Her ignorance allowed the devil to make her strive to get something she already had.
When she partook of the law, she fell. The way the devil tempted her is similar to how the law works. The law tells us that we have to keep the works of the law to get what Jesus has already purchased on the cross. Romans 4:4 says that to him who works, the wages are not counted as grace but as debt.
When Jesus went to the cross, He brought an end to the law as the means to approaching God, and ushered in a new covenant on the basis of faith (believing what He has done).
(Romans 10:4)
4 For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes.
Today we are under a system called faith. The righteous shall live by faith. When we KNOW what Christ has done on the cross, it causes faith to rise in our hearts to believe. Romans 10:17 says that faith comes by hearing the gospel of Christ. The quest of the new covenant believer is THAT WE MAY KNOW…in order to respond in faith.
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