
Daily Rhema is a teaching ministry for Christians, centered on the finished work of Christ. It posts inspiring teachings and testimonies on weekdays. These short and systematic messages are suitable for personal devotion or Bible Study.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

13.13 Be led by the Spirit in witnessing

We should allow the Holy Spirit to lead us in witnessing because He has perfect knowledge of His lost sheep.

Let us study the divine principles of witnessing from the story of Philip the evangelist in Acts 8:26-38. Philip had just preached the gospel in Samaria where many received Christ. God gave him specific instructions on what to do next and he obeyed. This resulted in the salvation of the eunuch from Ethiopia, a high-ranking official.

From the passage, we can follow these truths on witnessing:

1) Be Led. Follow the leading of God. Philip followed the instructions of the angel to get to the right person at the right place.

2) Follow God’s Timing. At the right time, the Holy Spirit asked him to overtake the chariot and he heard the eunuch reading the Scriptures.

3) Be Invited. Philip flowed with the Spirit. As he heard the reading, he asked if the eunuch understood the Scriptures and received an invitation. Christians should seek consent to share without being imposing.

4) Share Jesus. When the eunuch’s heart was open, Philip opened his mouth and preached Jesus.

5) Administering Salvation. When the eunuch indicated his desire to receive the Lord, Philip led him to his confession of faith and baptized him.

Many Christians approach evangelism like a salesman doing their job, armed with fix processes and presentation materials. They go door to door and with great persistency, often putting people off.

That isn’t God’s way. We should be sharing the good news motivated by God’s unconditional love. We should be led by the Spirit to talk to the right person at the right time, just as Philip did. There should be dependence on the Holy Spirit.