
Daily Rhema is a teaching ministry for Christians, centered on the finished work of Christ. It posts inspiring teachings and testimonies on weekdays. These short and systematic messages are suitable for personal devotion or Bible Study.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

13.15 The conviction of the Holy Spirit in evangelism

When we share, we should be conscious of the fact that it is not our persuasiveness that convicts someone to receive the Lord. The battle is in the deepest part of the heart and thoughts of the person.

Jesus says that the Holy Spirit will convict the unbeliever of sin and the need for Jesus. As we share, we should rely on the Holy Spirit.

When the Holy Spirit convicts a person’s heart of sin, it becomes unbearable. When He convicts a person of righteousness in Christ, Jesus becomes irresistible (John 16:8-10).

John G. Lake – The Power of Conviction of the Holy Spirit

During a meeting among the Zulus in Africa, John G. Lake preached a message on real repentance – the complete separation from the world, its sin and its spirit, like Jesus had separated Himself unto all righteousness in the river Jordan. There was a quiet stillness that pervaded the meeting as the Holy Spirit convicted the people of their sin.

Suddenly, a man arose from the back of the audience and came towards the altar. Before he could reach the altar, the Holy Spirit struck him and he fell flat on his face. Another man arose and walked calmly and steadily to the front. When he came to where the first man had fallen, the Spirit struck him and he fell on top of the first man.

One after the other they came forward. Each one in turn fell at the same spot until 15 men were piled up, one on top of the other. Lake said that he had seen many manifestations of God before, but none like this.

Lake was bothered because he was afraid that the person on the bottom of the pile would be smothered. Soon his human sympathy overcame him and he tried to pull a few men off the pile. The Holy Spirit said, “If God has slain these, can you not trust Him to keep them from being smothered?” Lake promptly returned to his seat.

After 15 minutes, one of the prostrate men began to confess his sin at the top of his voice! After a short time, he arose with the light of God in his face and returned to his seat. All 15 men confessed one after another and returned to their seats.

When they interviewed the first man via the interpreter, he said that he saw Jesus remove all his sins and He made his heart white. The Holy Spirit had convicted the people of sin and they received Jesus.

(Reference: Adventures in God by John G. Lake, Harrison House)

Note: The next Grace Fellowship is on Thursday 27th Nov 08 at 7.45pm. Please contact Jeffrey at 81119307 for details. Please bring your Bible, notebook & pen for a solid time of Bible study on revelations of the New Covenant.