15.4 SIT – We start our journey seated in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus
To sit is to rest. Christianity is resting on the finished work of Christ. It is not about laboring under works of the law; it is about laboring to enter the rest spoken of in Hebrews 4. It is about resting in all that He has accomplished on your behalf. You can rest in His righteousness for you are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. You can rest in His healing for by His stripes you were healed. You can rest in His provision for He became poor that you may be rich. You can rest in His love because He first loved us. You can rest in His blessings for you have been blessed with every spiritual blessing in Christ Jesus. You can rest in all His promises.
What does it mean to be seated in the heavenly place, next to our heavenly Father? It tells us that we have access to the throne of grace. In the Old Testament, the people could not enter the Holy of Holies. It was separated by the veil. But when Jesus died, the veil was torn. God reconciled the world to Himself. Those who believe in Jesus have become sons of God. We are in relationship with God the Father.
Since we are in the heavenly places, we are above satan and the powers of darkness. It is amazing how Christians make such a fuss over the devil. They attribute everything to Him – magnifying his power in their eyes. But they forget that they are seated in the heavenly places, far above powers and principalities.
What does it mean to be seated in the Heavenly places IN CHRIST JESUS? It means to rest in all that we are in Christ. We are in Christ and Christ is in us. This is the New Covenant. The Old Covenant believer did not experience that. We can believe who we are in Christ. We can believe what we have in Christ. We can belief what we can accomplish in Christ. When we belief all that we are in Christ, we experience Christ working in us.
Christianity starts from sitting. We should not try to accomplish what Christ has already accomplished. We should simply believe in the provision of His grace. That is why the New Covenant is about walking in faith. We should not try to do in our own strength that which Jesus wants to accomplish by His power through us. We should simply rest in His power, and let His life flow from us. It may sound passive but we end up achieving more. This is why Christianity is about the power of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the new vine that is contained in the new wine skin of grace and righteousness.
Let us start by sitting, and resting in His finished work. Let us see the fullness of our position in Christ. Then allow the Holy Spirit to work in us and through us.
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