
Daily Rhema is a teaching ministry for Christians, centered on the finished work of Christ. It posts inspiring teachings and testimonies on weekdays. These short and systematic messages are suitable for personal devotion or Bible Study.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

9.56 A new kind of obedience – the “obedience of faith”

Today we will talk about a new kind of obedience under the New Covenant. There is a change after Jesus went to the cross. Unless we divide the Bible, some may not even realize the difference.

Under the Old Covenant, the focus was on obeying all the commandments. Their blessing was subject to their ability to obey the commandments. It was an obedience of works of the law. For example, for Joshua to be successful, he needed to do one thing – to observe TO DO all that is written in the book of the law (the Old Covenant).

(Joshua 1:8)
This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe TO DO according to all that is written in it.

Under the New Covenant, Jesus had fulfilled the law perfectly. He was obedient even unto death.

Now, what God wants is for us to believe what Jesus has done for us. Today, all our blessings are given as a result of faith in Jesus. It is a new kind of obedience. This is called the “obedience of faith” or “obedience to the faith”.

Paul talks about his calling as an apostle to bring people to the “obedience to the faith”. In short, Paul was called to preach the gospel so that people would put their faith in Jesus. When they did so, they were obedient to the faith. So it is an obedience of faith.

(Romans 1:5:6)
Through Him we have received grace and apostleship for OBEDIENCE TO THE FAITH among all nations for His name, among whom you also are the called of Jesus Christ…

The theme of the book of Romans is “justification by faith”. So Paul starts off by talking about the obedience of faith. He also ends the chapter by talking about “obedience to the faith”.

(Romans 16:25-27)
Now to Him who is able to establish you according to my gospel and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery kept secret since the world began but now made manifest, and by the prophetic Scriptures made known to all nations, according to the commandment of the everlasting God, for OBEDIENCE TO THE FAITH— to God, alone wise, be glory through Jesus Christ forever. Amen.

He said that the preaching of the Gospel to the nations was for the purpose of obedience to the faith. Today, there is a new kind of obedience. It is to believe all that Jesus has done for you.