
Daily Rhema is a teaching ministry for Christians, centered on the finished work of Christ. It posts inspiring teachings and testimonies on weekdays. These short and systematic messages are suitable for personal devotion or Bible Study.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

9.55 Testimony – The drug capital of the world transformed through prayer

For years, the city of Cali in Columbia was the world’s drug capital. The drug cartels were the best organized in the world. Crime rates and murder rates were high. It was a city under spiritual bondage.

When pastors in the city got together to pray under the leadership of Pastor Julio, things began to change. The churches organized overnight prayer meetings at the stadium and up to 60,000 people attended them. They prayed against Satan’s grip on the city. The prayer meetings continued every month.

Within 48 hours of the first prayer meeting, the newspapers reported that one night had passed without any homicide incident. Ten days later, the first drug lord was caught. Within 9 months of praying, all the drug lords were captured one by one by the authorities.

There was a great move of the Holy Spirit upon the city and the whole city was transformed. It all started with prayer. This is just one of the many cities around the world that has been transformed through prayer.

(Reference: Transformations – A Documentary by Sentinel Group 1999)