
Daily Rhema is a teaching ministry for Christians, centered on the finished work of Christ. It posts inspiring teachings and testimonies on weekdays. These short and systematic messages are suitable for personal devotion or Bible Study.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

8.91 Jesus bore our condemnation on the cross

Welcome back after the break. Today we continue on our series on the New Covenant vs. Old Covenant. We have shared that the New Covenant is about God’s love that satisfied His judgment under the Old. The New is about grace that came through Jesus while the Old is about the approaching God by the law given through Moses. The New is about faith & works of faith, while the Old is about works of the law. The New is about the power of the Spirit while the Old is about the performance of the flesh.

Under the Old Covenant, the law could not give life. It only produced condemnation, curses and death. It could not save the people. It could not produce righteousness. It confined all under sin until Jesus came.

(Gal 3:21-22)
For if there had been a LAW given which could have given LIFE, truly RIGHTEOUSNESS would have been by the law. But the Scripture has confined all under sin, that the promise by faith in Jesus Christ might be given to those who believe.

In order to deliver mankind from the condemnation of sin through the law, Jesus the innocent Lamb had to suffer condemnation on our behalf. His blood had to be shed to wash away our sin, so that we can be freed from our condemnation. Before the righteous Judge in the eternal court of heaven, He had to pay the price on our behalf in order to set us free.

(Luke 24:20)
…and how the chief priests and our rulers delivered Him to be CONDEMNED to death, and crucified Him.

Though He was proclaimed innocent by Pilate and Herod, the innocent had to take the place of the guilty. So Jesus took the place of Barabbas, a convicted criminal, who was released. Barabbas represents all of mankind who is guilty before God, but is set free because Jesus took his place.

(Luke 23:14-19)
I have found NO FAULT in this Man concerning those things of which you accuse Him; no, neither did Herod...And they all cried out at once, saying, “Away with this Man, and RELEASE TO US Barabbas”— who had been thrown into prison for a certain rebellion made in the city, and for murder.

Today under the New Covenant, Jesus has taken our condemnation which we deserved. As a result, the Bible declares in Rom 8:1 that “there is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus” (Rom 8:1). Jesus has removed our eternal condemnation and given us His eternal righteousness.