8.53 We have access by faith into this grace in which we stand
The real basis for the healing promise is that Christ has paid the price for it. Isaiah 53:5 says, “By His stripes we are healed.” Grace tells us what Christ has accomplished for us, and reveals the promises that we have in Him through the Word of God.
Therefore, the real basis of our faith is the grace that flows from the cross. Faith is a positive response to grace. Faith is receiving God’s grace. Grace flows like a river from the cross. We use faith as a bucket to receive grace and to apply it to our areas of need.
Faith is also an access to, and an application of God’s grace in our area of need. Rom 5:2 says, “We have access by faith into this grace in which we stand.” This is a very powerful verse.
The only way we can access to the grace that flows from the cross is faith. The only way to access the grace in which we stand is by faith. We cannot access grace by the works of the law. They are antithesis. The key to the New Covenant is faith.
Faith and grace are like perfect partners that work hand in hand. Without grace, there is no basis for our faith (Eph 2:8). Without faith, there is no access to grace. Conversely, when we see grace, we respond in faith, and when we have faith, we access into more grace.
When we walk by faith in the promises of God, we will experience His blessings. We experience His promises in proportion to our level of faith. The Centurion (Matt 8:8-13) and the Syro-Phoenician woman (Matt 15:21-28) experienced their miracles because they had great faith. Conversely, Jesus could not heal many in His hometown because He was limited by their unbelief (Matt 13:58). Jesus said in Matthew 9:29, “According to your faith let it be to you.”
Today, the key to our Christian walk is faith instead of works of the law. There was a time when I strived so hard to walk with God on the basis of works of the law. I was burnt out and backslidden within 6 months for 5 years.
Today, with the revelation of faith, I simply rest in the power of His grace. I am carried by the power of the cross. I end up achieving more through the enablement and the leading of the Holy Spirit. Christianity has become a living relationship with God instead of a religion. This is the normal Christian life in the New Covenant.
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