8.9 Israel did not submit to the righteousness of God
(Romans 10:1-4)
Brethren, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they may be saved. For I bear them witness that they have a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge. For they being ignorant of GOD’S RIGHTEOUSNESS, and seeking to establish their OWN RIGHTEOUSNESS, have not submitted to the RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD. For Christ is the END OF THE LAW FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS to everyone who believes.
The reason is because Israel had a zeal for God that was not according to knowledge. They were ignorant of God’s righteousness that would come through Christ. They sought to establish their own righteousness (self-righteousness) through the law. Because they held on to the tutor, they rejected the Savior. What a tragedy for the nation.
The verses above end by saying, “Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes.” This verse tells us that the system of law as a means to righteousness had ended. It did not succeed in making anyone righteous. Now that Christ had come, the righteousness of God through Christ is given to everyone who believes (through faith).
Today we do not keep the Ten Commandments to attain to righteousness. If we do that, we are establishing our own righteousness. Romans 10:4 says that the system of law as a means to righteousness has ended. We are under a better system. We have to choose between the law and Christ. Israel chose the law. We have to choose Christ.
When you believe in Christ, He comes to live in you through His Holy Spirit. Jesus fulfilled all righteousness on the cross. Now He lives in us to reveal His righteousness in us from within. The law will be fulfilled as a natural consequence when Christ reigns.
Christianity is about inner-transformation because Christ lives in us. He can turn every sinner into a saint when they believe in Him. Jesus turned the chief of sinners into the greatest apostle through inner transformation.
Christianity is about the outworking of righteousness from inside out. Today, you can experience His transforming power from within when you trust in Him.
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