
Daily Rhema is a teaching ministry for Christians, centered on the finished work of Christ. It posts inspiring teachings and testimonies on weekdays. These short and systematic messages are suitable for personal devotion or Bible Study.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

12.11 What is our confession in the New Covenant?

The Bible says that Jesus is the High Priest of our confession (Heb 3:1). What is this confession? Would you like to know? The answer to this question will tell us “The Confession” for our New Covenant. This simply truth is a powerful revelation that can lead the Church and us into a powerful paradigm shift.

The Amplified Bible says that this is the confession of Jesus as our High Priest. What does it mean to confess Jesus as our High priest? In the Old Covenant, the standing of the people is wrapped up in their High Priest. If they performed well on the Day of Atonement, their sins would be covered for another year. But the work of the Old Testament High Priest was never finished. They could never sit down. They were always working.

Then Jesus came as our High Priest. He entered the true Holy of Holies in heaven and presented His own blood as our sacrifice to wash away our eternal sins. Because it was accepted by God the Father, Jesus became the final sacrifice.

Then Jesus did something that none of the High Priests could do. He sat down at the right hand of the Father! Yes, He sat down! The fact that Jesus is seated shows that the work of redemption is finished. Today, God sees us as perfectly righteous in Jesus. For 2,000 years, Jesus has been fulfilling His ministry as our high priest. When the Father sees the nail pierced hands of Jesus, He is constantly reminded that our sins have been washed away.

In the light of this powerful truth, now we can understand what it means to make the confession of Jesus as our high priest who is interceding for us. The confession of the New Covenant believers is that all our sins have been forgiven and we have been made righteous in Christ. It is the confession of our new identity in Christ. It is summarized in one powerful verse:

(2 Cor 5:21)
For He made Him [Christ] who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him [Christ].

If you have grown up under the confession of sins, today is the day for your paradigm shift. Today is the day for a change in your confession. You can confess Jesus as your High Priest. You can put your faith in Him who is faithful. You can live on the basis of your new identity.