12.5 Entering boldly to the throne of grace
Today, the Bible calls God’s throne the “throne of grace”. It used to be called the “mercy seat” in the Old Covenant. It was thus named because it was the place where God showed mercy to the people, with the sprinkling of the blood of animals to cover their sins. Mercy was shown when God withheld the judgment that they deserved for their sins. It was a fearful experience to enter God’s presence – like coming before a judge to plead for mercy.
How was the mercy seat transformed into the throne of grace? How did a place of judgment become a place of receiving undeserved favor? How was the image of God as a judge transformed into the image of a loving father? The Bible says that we are to boldly enter the throne of grace to receive grace in addition to mercy.
(Heb 4:16)
Let us therefore COME BOLDLY to the THRONE OF GRACE, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.
Why boldly? It is due to Jesus’ finished work on the cross. We do not enter on our own merit. Our standing is wrapped up in Jesus’ blood and perfect work. Because the judgment for all our sins has been exhausted on the body of Jesus, today God is no longer a judge to us but a loving Father. Jesus has also fulfilled all righteousness on our behalf and given us the free gift of righteousness. Therefore, today we have the legal right to come boldly to the throne of grace without condemnation.
Let us give an illustration on the gift of righteousness. Imagine you are the bride of a royal wedding but you cannot attend your wedding because you do not have a wedding gown. The prince of the kingdom hears you crying about your unworthiness and your tattered clothes. He buys you the most beautiful white wedding gown and adorns you with diamonds. Now you are dressed for the occasion and you can boldly be part of the royal wedding ceremony. All the guests arise and admire your beauty and grace.
(Is 61:10)
For He has clothed me with the GARMENTS OF SALVATION,
He has covered me with the ROBE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS,
As a bridegroom decks himself with ornaments,
And as a BRIDE adorns herself with her JEWELS.
Jesus is the bridegroom and we are the “bride of Christ”. Today, we are worthy to boldly enter the throne of grace because we are dressed in Jesus’ garment of salvation and robe of righteousness. Jesus has paid for this privilege. The angels of heaven are all looking at the glory of Christ in us. In addition, He has adorned us with precious gifts – the gifts of the Spirit.
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