12.1 NEW SERIES – Revelations on worship
On a number of occasions, the Lord had reminded me to worship the Lord instead. Put the problem aside and put the request aside – just worship the Lord! Just be lost in His presence and glory. When we see how big God is through worship, we will see our problem with a new perspective. When God gets bigger (in our consciousness), the problem automatically gets smaller. When we see God, faith will rise in our hearts, and it becomes easy to pray with faith.
Today, if you are battling with some problems; if you are anxious over something, and you have been praying without results, perhaps the Holy Spirit is leading you to worship. We will share some important revelation on worship in the coming weeks.
Worship is an important aspect of our Christian lives. Matt 21:16 says that – out of the mouth of babes and nursing infants, God has perfected praise. Likewise, we were created for worship and we find true fulfillment in it.
What is worship? Traditionally, we would think of a Sunday worship service where believers express themselves by singing songs to God. In this series, we will share three different perspectives of worship. Worship is an expression, an experience as well as a relationship. First, let us look to Jesus who has set the perfect example for us.
Jesus was a man of worship. Heb 2:12 says that in the midst of the assembly, He would sing praise to God the Father. Jesus would glorify His Father among His people.
(Heb 2:11-12)
For both He who sanctifies and those who are being sanctified are all of one, for which reason He is not ashamed to call them brethren, saying:
“I will declare Your name to My brethren;
In the midst of the assembly I will sing praise to You.”
After a busy day ministering to the multitudes, Jesus would retreat to the wilderness to spend time in the presence of His Father (Luke 5:16). He was close to Father God and did only what He saw His Father doing (John 5:19).
Jesus was obedient to God unto death on the cross. He came to do God’s will (Heb 10:5-7). His whole life was an expression of worship and a sweet aroma to God.
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