
Daily Rhema is a teaching ministry for Christians, centered on the finished work of Christ. It posts inspiring teachings and testimonies on weekdays. These short and systematic messages are suitable for personal devotion or Bible Study.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

15.26 STAND – How does putting on the consciousness of Christ help you to stand?

We shared that to put on the armor of God is to put on the consciousness of Christ. When you are conscious of Christ as your righteousness, you have put on the breastplate of righteousness.

The breastplate is a very important piece of the armor because it protects your heart. The heart is the most important organ in the body. The devil likes to attack your heart.

So how does the consciousness of Christ as your righteousness helps to protect your heart. Let me show you an example.

Let’s say that you are a good Christian who approaches God through the law. You believe that God’s blessings and approval come to you based on your love for Him. You do a lot of wonderful things to demonstrate your love for Him.

In spite of all you have done, the devil comes to you and points out a few areas that you had fallen short. Maybe your heart has been a little lukewarm of late. Maybe you haven’t been witnessing enough. When the devil uses the law you believe in to accuse you, you will feel a sense of condemnation. It will result in sin-consciousness. You will feel unworthy of God, and you will keep a distance.

Somewhere in your mind, you feel that God may not be so pleased with you and that you have fallen short of His righteousness. Through the thoughts of condemnation, it results in the curses of the law. If you fall sick, or you feel some pain, you would think that God is allowing it to happen because you have fallen short. Condemnation results in curses of the law and ultimately death. The devil starts by attacking your heart.

Now what if you are a Christian who has learnt to sit well in the finished work of Christ? It will make a world of difference. You know that you approach God not by the law but by grace. You know that Jesus is your righteousness. It does not depend on your performance. It depends on His – for on the cross you became the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. You know who you are in Christ; your eyes are not on yourself.

When the devil tries to being any accusation against you; when he tries to attack your heart, it bounces off the breastplate of righteousness. When you are secure in the righteousness of Christ, how can any accusation bring you down? You have confidence in Jesus.

When you have STOOD your ground, you can continue WALKING in victory. The Holy Spirit will empower you to walk in your new identity and to fulfill the desires that He puts in your heart.