
Daily Rhema is a teaching ministry for Christians, centered on the finished work of Christ. It posts inspiring teachings and testimonies on weekdays. These short and systematic messages are suitable for personal devotion or Bible Study.

Friday, March 13, 2009

15.24 STAND – How to cast down every argument that exalts itself against the knowledge of God?

Let’s be practical. Let us give some examples of spiritual warfare in the realm of the mind, and how we stand on victory ground.

For example, someone may be sick. The devil comes to him and tells him that God no longer heals. The devil says that his sickness glorifies Jesus. The devil may use friends and leaders to affirm that wrong belief.

How can the person react? If the person does not sit well on the finished work of Christ; if He does not know that the redemption work of Christ includes healing, he would be robbed through the deception of the devil. He would be defeated.

Or what if the person has heard of testimonies of other people who had experienced healing? He has some hope that God can heal but he does not know how? How does God heal? What must I do to get the healing? Different people tell him different things. Some say that he must be faithful in church attendance. Some say he must fast and pray 40 days. Some say that he must make a pilgrimage. Some say that he must confess healing ten times a day. He does all these but does not get the results. Why?

This is because he is not sitting well on the finished work of Jesus. He is trying to get the healing by his own effort or performance. He is trying to fight for victory.

Or what if the person has a friend who shared about God redemption work on healing? The friend tells him that “by the stripes of Jesus, he was healed”. The body of Jesus was broken on the cross for his healing.

He catches the revelation and is excited. But the negative thoughts have also created some doubt. He has to believe one or the other. He decides to cast down every argument that is not in line with God’s Word. He says, “the book of Acts shows God still heals”. He says that “the book of Deuteronomy 28 tells me that sickness is a curse but Galatians 3:13 says I have been redeemed from the curse”.

He brings his thoughts into the obedience of Christ. He chooses to believe that healing has been purchased on the cross. Victory is already his. He does not fight for victory. He fights from victory. He stands on victory ground. He is not trying to get to victory ground. He walks in faith in the finished work of Christ. He experiences the healing.

Well this is not just a hypothetical example. This is the experience of many believers whom I know. We can align our thoughts and faith to the revelation of the finished work of Christ.