
Daily Rhema is a teaching ministry for Christians, centered on the finished work of Christ. It posts inspiring teachings and testimonies on weekdays. These short and systematic messages are suitable for personal devotion or Bible Study.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

12.32 The best expression of worship

The lifting up of our hands is a powerful expression of worship. It is a posture of worship and a posture of faith to receive. A person’s posture is very important because it can affect a person’s emotions, faith and spirit. In the case of Moses, it even determined his victory or defeat.

Whenever you come before God in worship, you must see your hands the way God sees them – holy hands. When you lift your holy hands by faith, your spirit instantly enters the mode of worship. Your concentration is fixed on God and your consciousness of His presence increases. You can try this exercise. Firstly, try worshipping God with your hands and head hung down. Next, try doing it with you hands and head lifted up towards heaven. You will feel the difference immediately.

As you worship God with hands lifted up, you will also begin to talk to Him in prayer. You may be making supplications or intercessions. You may be praying in faith for a miracle. With hands lifted up, you are in a posture to receive. You will feel faith arising in your hearts to receive your miracle.

The right posture of submission and faith makes a difference. Start to lift up your holy hands in worship and in prayer as prompted by the Spirit.


In the New Covenant, worship is inspired by the Spirit, and it starts from our heart. We are to be led by the Spirit and to flow with Him by faith. You may be led to raise your hands, sing in the spirit, or to sing a new song during different moments in worship.

Some other expressions of worship mentioned in the Bible include bowing down and kneeling before God (Ps 95:6), dancing and playing instruments (Ps 150:4-5), clapping of hands and shouting to God with the voice of triumph (Ps 47:1), and falling down before God (Rev 5:14). The best expression of worship is that which is prompted and inspired by the Holy Spirit.