
Daily Rhema is a teaching ministry for Christians, centered on the finished work of Christ. It posts inspiring teachings and testimonies on weekdays. These short and systematic messages are suitable for personal devotion or Bible Study.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

12.29 Testimony – An illiterate peasant composes the Canaan Hymns

New songs often accompany a revival from the Lord. These are the songs to rally the people and songs of victory that express their real-life experiences. In the midst of the revival in China, God raised up a simple peasant girl called Xiao Min to be a channel of His new songs. She would receive a new song in her heart and teach it to the church. Soon, the songs would be sung throughout the churches in China. They became like an anthem of revival.

In order to help her, someone bought her a tape recorder to record the new songs. Another person would write the musical chords for the songs. Not a single person could believe that a simple uneducated peasant girl wrote these anointed songs.

To date, she has written close to 1,000 anointed songs known as the Canaan Hymns. This is a phenomenal miracle! Each of the songs provides great inspiration to the churches in China and around the world.

(Reference: The Documentary Short Subject – The Canaan Hymns by China Soul for Christ Foundation)