
Daily Rhema is a teaching ministry for Christians, centered on the finished work of Christ. It posts inspiring teachings and testimonies on weekdays. These short and systematic messages are suitable for personal devotion or Bible Study.

Monday, October 06, 2008

12.17 Relationship at the Outer Court - Thanksgiving

Our relationship with God starts from the Outer Court with thanksgiving. The Outer Court is the external court of God’s temple that is visible under open sunlight.

Christianity starts from the finished work of the cross. We did nothing. Jesus did everything. In Christ, we have been blessed with every blessing already (Eph 1:3). As a new Christian, our journey starts with thanking God for our salvation. Thereafter, it is a journey to experience more of God’s works, miracles and provisions in every area of our lives. The works of God can be seen and are evident to all.

We respond to God’s abundant grace in our lives with thanksgiving. As we experience more of His grace and blessings, our thanksgiving grows. As we grow in thanksgiving, we will also experience more of His grace and blessings. Thanksgiving is an important experience in our New Covenant of grace.

A person who has received much but is not thankful for what he has will not be able to enjoy his blessings. The person will be discontented and will always feel a sense of lack. Someone who gives thanks to God for every blessing will be conscious of His blessings and will enjoy them immensely. We value whatever we give thanks for. The more we give thanks, the more blessed we feel. Therefore, we are to live life with a thankful heart.

The Christian life is a life of thanksgiving. 1 Thess 5:18 says, “In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” Eph 1:3 says that we have already been blessed with every blessing given by the Spirit in Christ Jesus. We don’t have to ask for blessings anymore. When Christians receive this revelation, they will end up asking less and giving thanks more. When we give thanks, we are saying to God that we have received His blessings by faith. Giving thanks puts us in the right posture of faith to experience its manifestation.

Let us do this exercise now – give thanks to God out loud for all the blessings that you already have for two minutes. Let it be spontaneous. You will feel an appreciation to God for all those blessings and you will enjoy them even more. For example, when you thank God for your children, you will begin to treasure and love them more.

Next, give thanks to God aloud for the promises that you desire to possess by faith. As you do so for the next two minutes, you will sense faith arising in your heart and you will be in the posture to experience its manifestation.

Set your heart to the thanksgiving mode by being conscious of His blessings throughout the day. Occasionally, you will feel led by the Spirit to speak out your thanksgiving or to sing songs of thanksgiving. Let thanksgiving be a part of your daily lives. You will find yourself saying, “Thank you Lord!” for the weather, for your children, for the parking lot, for the completed project, for a successful sale, and for all the blessings given in His Word.

Note: Next Grace Fellowship is on Thursday 9th October 7.45pm. Please contact Jeffrey Teo @ 81119307