
Daily Rhema is a teaching ministry for Christians, centered on the finished work of Christ. It posts inspiring teachings and testimonies on weekdays. These short and systematic messages are suitable for personal devotion or Bible Study.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

11.21 The principles to effective intercession

There are also testimonies of how people have been delivered from danger and death through intercession. Angels are released and God acts when there is intercession (Dan 10:12).

As priests, it is not necessary for us to access God through any human mediator. Jesus, who is our High Priest, has given us direct access to God through His blood. Therefore, we are in a position to intercede for others.

Often, different kinds of prayer work together. For instance, supplication, which is an earnest, heartfelt request, is often used in intercession. When interceding for lost souls, we could also move into travailing, which will be covered in the next key.

There are principles to effective intercession. We can only intercede effectively 1) if we know God, His character and His covenant, and 2) we can identify with the subject of our intercession.

1) Intercession according to covenant
In order to be effective intercessors, we must know God, His character and His covenant (His Word). We have to put forth sound arguments according to His Word.

The Bible is full of examples of people who prayed according to God’s covenant and received great results. When Daniel understood the prophecies in the Scriptures about Israel’s period of exile in Babylon, he started to intercede for the nation of Israel (Dan 9:1-19). He interceded according to the Old Covenant and asked for forgiveness and restoration. That started the whole process of God’s restoration of Israel to their promised land.

Today, we live in the New Covenant. If we understand the benefits of our New Covenant, we can intercede for others to walk in its blessings. The more we understand the New Covenant, the more effective we will be as intercessors.

However, God knows our weaknesses. He has given us a supernatural means to intercede beyond our human limitations and knowledge. In fact, the Holy Spirit in us makes intercession according to God’s perfect will through us (Rom 8:26-27). This is truly empowerment for New Covenant living! Walk on water by faith as you make intercession in the spirit.

2) The power of identification
To intercede effectively, we must also be able to identify with the subject of our intercession. Again, this ability is provided by the Holy Spirit, through the supernatural impartation of the compassion of our Lord Jesus. He was constantly moved with compassion for those whom He ministered to (Matt 9:36, 14:14, 15:32). The reason that Jesus can be our perfect High Priest and Intercessor in heaven is because He can identify perfectly with us (Heb 4:15).